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Wednesday 4 April 2012

OR April 4 Haiku's

It was origanaly thought that cats used their wiskers to judge the width of holls to fit their bodies through, but now the new discovery and theory is that they use them to locate fish in the water by depth and distance.

Dog Park
As he meets the dogs
He invites them to play ball
And they play all day

Cat Dream
As the fat cat sleeps
He dreams of chasing plumb squirrels
To wake up with none

New Cat
It starts with a "HISSSSS!"
They don't like each other first
But become good friends

OR April 4 Free Verses

Crazy Pets
My dog can drink an ocean dry
His nose is as cold as an iceberg
My cat is as big as a house
But he's timid like a mouse

Wondering Dog
The German Shepherd with a silky coat
Wandering on his own
Who solved problems and saved lives
Always offered, but never needing a home
Preferring to be alone

OR April 4 Diamonte Dash

At least 17,000 years ago dogs where domesticated as wolves and now have become hundreds of different breeds


                                                           Cats and Baths
Warm Agile
Cuddles Loving Scrachy
Bowl       Bed      Tub      Water
Splashing Washing Draining
Loud Wet

                                                           Dogs and Cars
Friendly Energetic
Playing Running Catching
Companion Park Roads Gas-Guzzler
Driving Polluting Crashing
Fast Expensive

                                                             Cats and Doves
Graceful Fuzzy
Rubbing Licking Sleeping
Litter box Claws Air Clouds
Flying Pecking Soaring
White Peace

                                                              Dog and Roller Coaster
Happy Loyal
Fetching Protecting Barking
Couch     Tail     Rails     Carts
Speeding Falling Looping
Fast Fun

Tuesday 3 April 2012

NR Quatrain Ambush

Did you know that a dog’s heart beats between 70 and 120 times a minute, compared with a human heart which beats 70 to 80 times a minute.


My three dogs:

I have three dogs
Two brown and one yellow
Both of the browns are girls
And the yellow is a fellow

One brown is happy
One brown is lazy
But the yellow who is a fellow
Is just plain crazy

If you haven't guessed
My dogs are all Labradors
They are a lot like people
Except they cant open doors

The yellow one who is crazy
Sleeps on my bed
He curls up beside me
Right by my head

I love all my dogs
They are all my best friends
This is a true story
And this is the end

The bad lab

My dogs is so cool
He can do an amazing trick
He can swim on his back
Man, i tell you it's sick

When I say sick, I mean cool
But you know what I mean
His trick is so bad
It's the best trick I've ever seen

Mysterious cat:

Cats are a mystery to me
I have never had one for a pet
Dogs I love and care about
But cats... I just don't get

Don't get me wrong
I think cats are neat
But having dogs for a pet
That just can't be beat

Monday 2 April 2012

NR Diamante Party

Did you know that Obesity is the #1 health problem among dogs.


Dog vs Computer:

                          loving          smart
                    Running Jumping Playing
                 Friend Fur      Machine Metal
                     Working Learning typing
                          Fast            annoying

The cat and power tools:

                               Proud     Independent
                            Catching   Sleeping   Purring
                            Food   Feline Wood   Blade
                              Cutting   Using   Working
                                  Electric    Loud
                                      Power tools 

Dog and mouse:
                                     Calm        Sleepy
                             Resting  Dreaming  Sleeping
                    Dog-bed  Dog-House Mouse-hole Cheese
                             Running  Searching  eating
                                    Squeaky     Tiny
Cat in the Aquarium:

                                     Wild      Crazy
                           Pouncing Leaping Jumping
                   Scratching-post litter-box Bowl Fish
                            Swimming Viewing Eating
                              Majestic       Beautiful


OR April 2


Swimming Fish
As the fish swims 'round
He is oblivious to...
The couragous cat

Hungry Hungry Henry
The dog is waiting
And he will hit his big bowl
Until he gets food

Undecided Cat
He waits by the door
To go outside and stay here
Wanting to do both

Free Verse:

Waiting Dog
When the dog just stares
When it seems like you just don't care
He will BARK
With all his might
Until you pick up the leash
And take your happy dog out

NR Haiku Day April 2nd

The silent dog:

The cool dog runs far
On its four paws like a mouse
Silently runs free

Muddy Dog:

The dog is a dump
Its muddy paws wreck the floor
In my nice new house

Dreaming cat:

As doves fly above
The cat dreams of fish and peace
Then wakes to eat fish

The bad dog:

WOOF the bad dog goes
As someone walks on his land
He barks till they flee

The dog in a Building:

The small dog walks up
To the big cross and kneels down
Then goes to heaven

The Rhyme cat:

The cat eats the rat
The sits on a big huge mat
And thinks that's it's fat

Sunday 25 March 2012

OR March 25 Shakespearean Sonnet

Kitten facts, when cats bend down to get a drink they part their ears to each side to listen for predators and when they lap up, their tungs turn backwards to pull the drink up, and since we're on the topic of tongues, might as well say that they have scratchy tongues to groom themselves, but in larger cats they also use their tounges to lift the flesh off the bones.

The Kitten Party
When you're gone and when you're out of the house
Your kittens will play and call some friends here
Somebody out watchin' if you come near
They will be having a feast on some mouse

Ture the music up to its loudest max
Then loot all the treats and goodies from you
Play all your games with their best friends they knew
One gets a large bonus and they yell "HAX!!!"

As the day draws to a tiring end
All the sleepy kittens start packing up
They put everything near the pup to blame
They give your games away to friends to lend

The cats are sleeping in their warm bedding
Never knowing what they will be heading

Friday 23 March 2012

March 23 NR Shakespearean Sonnet

Fun fact, dogs have sweat glands in between their paws.

Shakespearean Sonnet:

The Doggy:
As he rushes into the fun forest
He bounces through the bushes in a row
He goes to see his friend the nice florist
Then he goes home so he can lick his toe

His licks his toe by the warm fireplace
Then he goes to the place where he gets food
This is a place where he can stuff his face
He can even eat with some attitude

Then he goes to his bed to have a nap
His dreams are filled with food and lots of toys
Then he wakes up to sit on someones lap
He sits and doesn't make a lot of noise

The dog goes to a park and wants to play
He has a lot of fun and wants to stay

Monday 19 March 2012

March 19 NR

Did you know that the tallest dog ever was a Great Dane who was 41 inches high.


A free dog
Dogs running freely
Eating all of their cookies
Sleeping in the grass

Levetation dog

The dog is floating
His small feet are off the ground
Then he hits the ground

Friday 16 March 2012

OR March 16 Metonymy

Surprisingly 1 in 3 American cats are obese. :O

Free Verse:

You have pride
In owning your pet
You must be responsible
And feed them
It can be time consuming
But it pays off


They make you clean up their mess
They lye in your bed
And take all the attention
Stolen food
You turn to the dog
His eyes wide
And is forgivin

They will find the food
And strange hiding places
But get themselves stuck
They'll tear up your room
But he didn't know
Curiosity killed the cat

Monday 12 March 2012

NR March 12 Metonymy Poetry

Interesting Fact, did you know that Labrador Retrievers were originally bred to retrieve fishing nets. 
Free verse:


Teaching your dog to play fetch
Takes a lot of hard work
When your dog learns you feel accomplished
To walk your dog using a leash
You have to give it rewards
And go to puppy school


My owner is loyal
My owner gives me food
My owner pets me,
Keeps me happy
My owner keeps me safe,
And plays with me

Dinner Time:

Before dinner they bark,
Dogs gather around the food bowl
Cats gather around too
Their people serve them their food
They eat their food very fast
Then go to bed and snore

Wednesday 7 March 2012

NR and OR March 7th Post

Did you know that house cats typically live 14 to 20 years of age although the oldest known cat lived to an amazing age of 36 years.


 Cat Got Your Tongue?
When a cat comes close
Don't let it grab your tongue
Cause then you will be toast
And it will taste like dung.

Dog on the internet!
When you leave your house
And your computers out
The dog leave the mouse
And he doesn't pout

For he is on the computer
And not a Polluter
He searches "funny frog"
But finds a strange blog

Sunday 4 March 2012

OR Quatrain

Underwater Dogs

In the deep
In goes the ball
And they leap
Bubbles as they fall

Teeth, snarling, grinning
Diving dogs are wild
Underwater swimming
Out of water mild

OR Quatrain

Did you know, dogs have over 100 facial expressions and most involving their ears. But most are unnoticeable to us.

                                                                                   Watch Dog
                                                                                   As you sleep
                                                                                   He will wait
                                                                                   He will watch
                                                                                   In his heap

                                                                                   When he hears,
                                                                                   That someone's near
                                                                                   He will bark
                                                                                   In the dark

                                                                                   When you're up
                                                                                   When you're here
                                                                                   You drink your cup
                                                                                   And mornings near


Wednesday 29 February 2012

NR Wednesday Post - Because I Feel Like It

Its Wednesday and I am going to post poetry because I feel like it but first an interesting fact.  Did you know that the dog was one of the first animals domesticated by humans and that the first living creature sent into space was a female dog named Laika launched by the former USSR on November 3, 1957.

Poetry Time:

Free verse: 

 Keyboard Cat
 The silly snacking cat has done it again
 It has started to play the keyboard
 When the cat starts to play it can't stop
 And even when the music stops
 Keyboard cat is still playing in your mind          

Snow Day Dog:
 When the buses are cancelled
 Even though its not snowing
 The dog leaps out of its bed
 Dances across the hall
 With a WOOF it licks the kids face
 And they are both happy together on a snow day

Sunday 26 February 2012

OR Diamonte and Haiku (Friday Task)

Diamonte:                                                             Sky Diving Kitty

                                                                            Adorable Furry
                                                                          Scrachy Jumpy Fast
                                                                          Bed Claws Air Sky
                                                                      Circulating Rushing Falling
                                                                                 Cold High


Haiku:                                                                   Lynx in the Snow

                                                                            Watches you but waits
                                                                            He knows you are his good prey
                                                                            For he is stalking